Cara termudah Memasak Praktis Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal

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Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal Dig into this decadent caramel chia seed pudding filled with hazelnut butter and a dreamy caramel made with medjool dates. If you are in a hurry, you can warm the hazelnut milk before mixing it with the chia seeds, as the warmth will help the chia seeds expand faster. Not your average Chia Seed Pudding!

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Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal It starts with chia seeds, tiny little seeds that are packed with nutrition??? see all the health benefits of chia seeds here. The process of making chia pudding is so easy! The first step is to stir together your chia seeds and milk in a mason jar or bowl. Anda boleh buatPuding Caramel Chia Seed Regal dengan 5 bahan dan 6 langkah.

Bahan Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal

  1. Anda perlu 1 bungkus dari tepung pudding susu nutrijel rasa caramel.
  2. Sediakan 20 gram (4 sdt) dari chia seed.
  3. Anda perlu 550 ml dari air untuk pudding.
  4. Anda perlu 70 ml dari air hangat untuk fla.
  5. Anda perlu 8 keping dari biscuit regal.

I decided to give chia seed pudding a shot because it was infused with coconut milk and you know how obsessed I am with the flavor Chia seed pudding always reminds me to tapioca pudding which I like. I'm not an overly huge fan of coconut but with the jam and. Chia seed pudding is a simple and delicious way to easily get the benefits of chia seeds. It takes minutes to make and has enough protein and nutrients to be a quick, on-the-go breakfast option.

Cara Membuat Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal

  1. Siapkan bahan - bahan yang dibutuhkan..
  2. Campur chia seed dan 160 ml air sampai mengembang..
  3. Campurkan tepung pudding dengan air sebanyak 390 ml, aduk2 sampai tidak ada gumpalan tepung. Panaskan di atas kompor, kemudian masukkan chia seed yang sudah mengembang. Aduk terus sampai mendidih..
  4. Hancurkan 6 keping biscuit regal di atas wadah dan tekan2 hingga padat. Setelah adonan puding mendidih tuang diatas regal yang telah dihancurkan, kemudian tambahkan 2 keping biscuit regal di atasnya..
  5. Buat fla dengan mencampurkan 70 ml air hangat dengan bahan fla, aduk terus sampai tercampur rata..
  6. Setelah pudding dingin, masukkan ke dalam kulkas. Pudding lebih nikmat disajikan setelah dimasukkan ke dalam kulkas..

Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal.Demikian metode membikin Puding Caramel Chia Seed Regal yang enak. This chia pudding could be put in reused baby food jars, small mason. The chia seeds absorb liquid in the coconut milk and water and form a pudding texture, without cooking, without eggs, and without dairy! Allowing the chia to fully absorb the liquid overnight is ideal, but this pudding can be enjoyed after a couple hours as well. Caramel Chia Seed Pudding (low carb/sugar free) - (healthy) Vittles and Bits. Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding is great for vegan breakfast or dessert, and makes perfect to-go snacks or meals.