Resep: Praktis Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy

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Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy Mexican Coffee Bun (Rotiboy) - Sweet bun with coffee topping and butter filling. It's popular in Malaysia and Asia. The aroma of this Mexican coffee bun bun is really tantalizing and makes you just want to eat it piping hot.

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Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy These fluffy, buttery buns are topped with a coffee scented cookie crust, and because they're so ridiculously tasty they became wildly popular in Southeast Asia. Also a copycat of Pappa Roti. These are delicious and so different- Not really Mexican, they are from Malaysia. Ibu boleh buatMexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy dengan 10 bahan dan 4 langkah.

Bahan Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy

  1. Sediakan dari Isian :.
  2. Anda perlu dari Butter, dinginkan dan potong kotak.
  3. Anda perlu dari Topping :.
  4. Anda perlu 50 gr dari gula halus.
  5. Sediakan 50 gr dari mentega.
  6. Sediakan 1 butir dari telur.
  7. Anda perlu 60 gr dari tepung terigu protein rendah.
  8. Sediakan 15 gr dari susu bubuk.
  9. Anda perlu 1 sdt dari kopi instan yang dicairkan dengan 1 sdt air panas.
  10. Anda perlu 3 tetes dari pasta kopi moca.

It is like a thin coffee butter cookie spread over the bun. When you bite into these the outside is crisp while the inside is soft and buttery. I have been told you can freeze the cooked buns and heat. Pappa Roti/Mexican Buns/Roti Boy - Savory&SweetFood.

Cara Masak Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy

  1. Topping : kocok gula halus dan mentega, kemudian masukkan telur dan kocok lagi sampai rata.
  2. Tambahkan tepung dan susu bubuk, aduk rata dengan spatula.
  3. Tambahkan kopi dan pasta moca, aduk rata. Masukkan ke plastik segitiga (pipingbag) diamkan 30 menit di dalam chiller.
  4. Penyelesaian : ambil adonan roti, bulatkan kemudian isi dengan butter dingin, tutup dan bulatkan kembali. Diamkan adonan 10 menit, kemudian beri topping dengan cara melingkar diatas adonan roti, dan panggang dengan oven suhu 200⁰C selama 12-15 menit.

Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy.Demikian sistem membikin Mexican bun / coffee bun / roti boy yang enak. These are pillowy soft, butter flavored sweet buns with a crispy coffee flavored topping and They have different names like PappaRoti, Mexican Buns, Coffee Buns, and Roti Boy. Pappa Roti, this name won't be unfamiliar to most of you. In the city where they live, Roti Boy is only available at the airport, so it is always convenient to get them as they come and. Kalau tak pernah makan roti boy ni, actually rasa roti ni seperti roti kopi dan dalamnya ada inti mentega yang masin dan sedikit manis. This bun is a purely Asian creation.